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TLI & TMPI Employee Alerts

Employee FAQ - English

Updated: March 20, 2020

Alameda County, along with other Bay Area counties, issued a Shelter in Place Order effective on March 17, 2020 and extending through April 8th, or until the Order is extended, lifted, or revised.  This Order requires that all non-essential businesses cease operations in compliance with this order.  On March 20th, Governor Newsom issued a more sweeping state-wide shelter in place effective March 20.  Unlike the County directives, the Governor’s order outlined no specific termination date.

Q: What is TLI & TMPI doing in response to these orders?

A: All TLI & TMPI Companies within the geographic areas affected by the County orders shut down operations on March 17.  This included TMPI and Thermionics Laboratory.  TLI Northwest and TLI Grass Valley will remain open and operational.

Q: Do any TLI enterprises companies qualify as an “essential business” per the Shelter in Place Order.

A: The Company reviewed the Order and determined that neither TMPI nor Thermionics Laboratory, on a stand-alone basis, specifically qualify as an Essential Business.  TMPI has been contacted by several key customers who are deemed to be essential businesses.  These companies have asked that we resume some form of operations to support them as an essential business.  Per the County directive, “Businesses that supply other essential businesses with support or services are permitted to remain open.”  We have reviewed the situation with our outside legal counsel and determined that TMPI will resume limited operations as soon as possible.  Thermionics Laboratory will not resume operations at this time.

Q: How does this affect me as an Employee or Contractor?

A: Rogelio Garcia has assessed and defined the scope of what “limited operations” entail for the immediate future.  Certain employees will be contacted and requested to return to work.  Those returning to TMPI will follow specific guidelines to ensure all necessary precautions are taken to prevent the further spread of the Covid-19 virus.  This will include not coming into the workplace if sick or not feeling well, limited and rotating workers to minimize human interactions as much as possible, strict workplace cleaning and sanitizing guidelines, and maintaining the requested 6-foot social distancing wherever possible.

Q: Will I get paid while the shelter in place order is in effect?

A: Employees contacted to resume work will be paid as they would under normal operating conditions.  All other employees will be compensated in accordance with the federal measures offered under Senate Bill HR 6201.

Q: What is HR 6201?

A: The afternoon of March 18, 2020, the Senate passed H.R. 6201, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. Division C of the Bill details the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act, and Division E provides additional protections under the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act. Both divisions apply to employers with fewer than 500 employees.  At a high level, these laws work together so that, under the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act, qualifying employees will receive 80 hours of paid leave for immediate use, then they will received paid leave at two-thirds of the employee’s wages for the duration of a COVID-19 related Family and Medical Leave Act leave.

Q: Which Employees are eligible?

A: All full and part time employees who have been employed for at least 30 days and who are unable to telework, may use this leave for COVID-19 related medical leave, including self-isolation due to a positive COVID-19 diagnosis; obtaining a medical diagnosis or care if the employee is experiencing coronavirus symptoms; complying with a recommendation or order of a public health official or healthcare provider; caring for a family member who is self-isolating because of a positive diagnosis or experiencing coronavirus symptoms; or is experiencing any other substantially similar condition.  Eligibility extends coverage to employees who must care for a child following the closure of a school or daycare, or other unavailability of childcare due to the coronavirus.

Q: How does the paid leave work in conjunction with my accrued time off?

A: Within 7 days of the passing of this bill the Secretary of Labor will provide a model notice.  In summary, the bill allows for company paid sick leave and FMLA leave to assist employees through this pandemic. In advance of the next payroll cycle (next payroll will be the first week of April for pay period 3/16 – 3/31), we will know more about exact mechanics of this bill and will communicate to all TLI & TMPI employees accordingly. 

Q: What if me or a family member requires medical attention during this shutdown?

A: The Company will continue to pay its medical benefit premiums to ensure all employees covered under the Company sponsored benefit plans experience no lapse in coverage.  Anyone requiring medical attentions should immediately contact a local medical facility, regardless of health insurance coverage.

Q: What financial support resources are available to me during this time?

A: Employees are encouraged to apply for Unemployment Insurance immediately.  Information on Unemployment Insurance and the application process can be found at  Everyone’s situation is different, but all individuals should contact the EDD to ensure you are taking advantage of all available financial support offered to you.  Due to the Covid-19 pandemic certain guidelines have been lifted or eased, allowing more individuals to qualify.

Q: How do I stay updated and informed of any future changes?

A: The Company will distribute updated information as status and/or information changes.  Please make sure that Rogelio Garcia has your current personal email contact information so you are staying informed.  The Company will also be establishing a dedicated telephone number for employees to call, where a pre-recorded message will provide updates.

The TLI & TMPI Management Team realizes these are difficult times for everyone.  We are doing everything within our ability to closely monitor the situation, provide updates to you, and resume normal business activities as soon as it is legally permitted.  During this time, we encourage you to strictly adhere to the guidelines of the Shelter in Place Orders to support the efforts underway to minimize and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

Preguntas frecuentes de empleados - Español

El Condado de Alameda, junto con otros condados del Área de la Bahía, emitió una Orden de Refugio en el Lugar efectiva el 17 de marzo de 2020 y se extiende hasta el 8 de abril, o hasta que la Orden se extienda, levante o revise. Esta orden requiere que todas las empresas no esenciales cesen sus operaciones de conformidad con esta orden. El 20 de marzo, el Gobernador Newsom emitió un refugio estatal más amplio en vigencia a partir del 20 de marzo. A diferencia de las directivas del Condado, la orden del Gobernador no indicaba una fecha específica de terminación.

P: ¿Qué está haciendo TLI & TMPI en respuesta a estos pedidos?

R: Todas las compañías TLI & TMPI dentro de las áreas geográficas afectadas por las órdenes del Condado cerraron sus operaciones el 17 de marzo. Esto incluyó TMPI y Thermionics Laboratory. TLI Northwest y TLI Grass Valley permanecerán abiertos y operativos.

P: ¿Las empresas de TLI enterprises califican como un “negocio esencial” según la Orden de Refugio en el Lugar?

R: La Compañía revisó el Pedido y determinó que ni TMPI ni Thermionics Laboratory, de manera independiente, califican específicamente como un Negocio Esencial. TMPI ha sido contactado por varios clientes clave que se consideran negocios esenciales. Estas compañías nos han pedido que reanudemos alguna forma de operaciones para apoyarlas como un negocio esencial. Según la directiva del Condado, “las empresas que brindan apoyo o servicios a otras empresas esenciales pueden permanecer abiertas”. Hemos revisado la situación con nuestro asesor legal externo y hemos determinado que TMPI reanudará las operaciones limitadas lo antes posible. Thermionics Laboratory no reanudará las operaciones en este momento.

P: ¿Cómo me afecta esto como empleado o contratista?

R: Rogelio García ha evaluado y definido el alcance de lo que implican “operaciones limitadas” para el futuro inmediato. Ciertos empleados serán contactados y se les pedirá que regresen al trabajo. Aquellos que regresan a TMPI seguirán pautas específicas para garantizar que se tomen todas las precauciones necesarias para evitar una mayor propagación del virus Covid-19. Esto incluirá no ingresar al lugar de trabajo si está enfermo o no sentirse bien, trabajadores limitados y rotativos para minimizar al máximo las interacciones humanas, pautas estrictas de limpieza y desinfección del lugar de trabajo y mantener el distanciamiento social solicitado de 6 pies siempre que sea posible.

P: ¿Me pagarán mientras esté vigente el pedido de refugio?

R: A los empleados contactados para reanudar el trabajo se les pagará como lo harían en condiciones normales de operación. Todos los demás empleados serán compensados ​​de acuerdo con las medidas federales ofrecidas en virtud del proyecto de ley HR 6201 del Senado.

P: ¿Qué es HR 6201?

R: La tarde del 18 de marzo de 2020, el Senado aprobó H.R. 6201, la Ley de Respuesta al Primer Coronavirus de las Familias. La División C del proyecto de ley detalla la Ley de expansión de licencia médica y familiar de emergencia, y la División E proporciona protecciones adicionales bajo la Ley de licencia por enfermedad pagada de emergencia. Ambas divisiones se aplican a empleadores con menos de 500 empleados. En un alto nivel, estas leyes funcionan juntas de manera que, según la Ley de licencia por enfermedad pagada de emergencia, los empleados que califiquen recibirán 80 horas de licencia pagada para uso inmediato, luego recibirán licencia pagada a dos tercios del salario del empleado durante el período de una licencia de la Ley de Licencia Familiar y Médica relacionada con COVID-19.

P: ¿Qué empleados son elegibles?

R: Todos los empleados a tiempo completo y parcial que han estado empleados durante al menos 30 días y que no pueden trabajar a distancia, pueden usar esta licencia para licencia médica relacionada con COVID-19, incluido el autoaislamiento debido a un diagnóstico positivo de COVID-19; obtener un diagnóstico o atención médica si el empleado experimenta síntomas de coronavirus; cumplir con una recomendación u orden de un funcionario de salud pública o proveedor de atención médica; cuidar a un miembro de la familia que se aísla a sí mismo debido a un diagnóstico positivo o que experimenta síntomas de coronavirus; o está experimentando cualquier otra condición sustancialmente similar. La elegibilidad extiende la cobertura a los empleados que deben cuidar a un niño después del cierre de una escuela o guardería, u otra falta de cuidado de niños debido al coronavirus.

P: ¿Cómo funciona la licencia pagada junto con mi tiempo libre acumulado?

R: Dentro de los 7 días posteriores a la aprobación de este proyecto de ley, el Secretario del Trabajo proporcionará un modelo de aviso. En resumen, el proyecto de ley permite que la compañía pague la licencia por enfermedad y la licencia FMLA para ayudar a los empleados durante esta pandemia. Antes del próximo ciclo de nómina (la próxima nómina será la primera semana de abril para el período de pago 3/16 – 3/31), sabremos más sobre la mecánica exacta de esta factura y nos comunicaremos con todos los empleados de TLI & TMPI en consecuencia.


P: ¿Qué sucede si yo o un miembro de mi familia requiere atención médica durante este cierre?

R: La Compañía continuará pagando sus primas de beneficios médicos para garantizar que todos los empleados cubiertos por los planes de beneficios patrocinados por la Compañía no experimenten una interrupción en la cobertura. Cualquier persona que requiera atención médica debe comunicarse inmediatamente con un centro médico local, independientemente de la cobertura del seguro de salud.

P: ¿Qué recursos de apoyo financiero están disponibles para mí durante este tiempo?

R: Se alienta a los empleados a solicitar el seguro de desempleo de inmediato. Puede encontrar información sobre el seguro de desempleo y el proceso de solicitud en La situación de cada persona es diferente, pero todas las personas deben comunicarse con el EDD para asegurarse de que están aprovechando todo el apoyo financiero disponible que se les ofrece. Debido a la pandemia de Covid-19, se han levantado o aliviado ciertas pautas, lo que permite que más personas califiquen.

P: ¿Cómo me mantengo actualizado e informado de cualquier cambio futuro?

R: La Compañía distribuirá información actualizada a medida que el estado o la información cambien. Asegúrese de que Rogelio García tenga su información personal actual de contacto por correo electrónico para mantenerse informado. La Compañía también establecerá un número de teléfono dedicado para que llamen los empleados, donde un mensaje pregrabado proporcionará actualizaciones.

El equipo de administración de TLI & TMPI  se da cuenta de que estos son tiempos difíciles para todos. Estamos haciendo todo lo que está a nuestro alcance para controlar de cerca la situación, proporcionarle actualizaciones y reanudar las actividades comerciales normales tan pronto como esté legalmente permitido. Durante este tiempo, lo alentamos a cumplir estrictamente con las pautas de las órdenes de Refugio en el lugar para apoyar los esfuerzos en curso para minimizar y contener la propagación del virus Covid-19.

Covid-19 Leave Process and Eligibility

Updated: March 30, 2020

TLI Enterprises and all related operating divisions, in the support of critical infrastructure, are deemed to be an Essential Business under the California Shelter in Place directive issued on March 16, 2010. As such, until further notice the Companies will be operating on a limited basis to balance available customer work demands while fully supporting efforts to minimize social interactions and curtail the spread of Covid-19. For those employees who will be temporarily out of work or given reduced hours, the Company is not treating this as a layoff, but rather as a furlough, until such time as full business operations can resume. Management is monitoring the situation closely and is hopeful to resume standard operations on a phased basis.

All Company employees will fall into one of two categories:

  • Employees Who Are Furloughed Pending Further Action on Shelter In Place Orders


  • Employees Who Are Requested to Return to Work (Full or Part Time)


1. Employees Who Are Furloughed Pending Further Action on Shelter In Place Orders:

Where there is no available work due to limited operations, affected employees will be furloughed until further notice. Under recent laws, these employees may apply for unemployment and are eligible to receive benefits without the usual waiting period,

If employees receive health benefits, these will continue while an employee is furloughed. Note:

2. Employees Who Are Requested to Return to Work (Full or Part Time):

We anticipate that some employees will resume work on a full-time basis and some will have reduced hours. Some of the work will be onsite. To the extent possible, work will be off site.

Some employees may be requested to return to work on a reduced basis. Those employees returning to work may become eligible under the Emergency Paid Leave For Employee Act and the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act.

1. Employees Whose Hours Have Been Reduced (Partial Furlough):


All TLI employees are “at will” and the company may change the terms of their employment at any time. This can include reduced hours, and corresponding reduced pay. It can also include salary changes for salaried employees due to reduced hours and work. This may also include changing salaried employees to hourly employees. These changes, where applicable, will be communicated to each employee. Employees are also eligible for unemployment insurance. Upon resumption of normal business operations, the employment agreement may be further amended to pre-COVID-19 terms.


2. Employees Returning to Full Time Work:


These employees will return to standard business hours subject to, where possible, offsite work.


Emergency Paid Leave for Employees Who Have Returned to Work:


  1. Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act


Employees who have returned to full or part time work may qualify for paid leave where they are unable to work (remotely or on site) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The qualifying employee is entitled to paid sick leave for up to 80 hours for full time employees or, for part time employees, the number of hours that an employee works, on average, over a 2-week period. There is no minimum employment period for an employee to be entitled to this Emergency Paid Sick Leave. The employee cannot be required to use other paid leave before the employee uses the Emergency Paid Sick Leave pay.

In order to qualify for Emergency Paid Sick Leave the employee must be unable to work because:

  • the employee is subject to a governmental quarantine or isolation order,
  • the employee has been advised by a health care provider to self- quarantine due to concerns related to COVID-19,
  • the employee is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and seeking a medical diagnosis,
  • the employee is caring for an individual who is subject to a governmental quarantine or isolation order or has been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine,
  • the employee is caring for a son or daughter if the school or place of care of the son or daughter has been closed, or the child care provider is unavailable due to COVID-19


Employees that do not meet these requirements do not qualify for the Emergency Sick Pay.

The payment amount is calculated based upon the employee’s regular rate of pay (under FSLA section 6(a)(1)) so long as it is not less than minimum wage. The amount shall not exceed $511 per day and $5,110 in the aggregate where sick leave is taken due to items (1)-(3) above.  The amount paid shall not exceed $200 per day and $2,000 in the aggregate where sick leave is taken due to items (4)-(6) above. The emergency sick pay under the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act does not carry over from one year to the next.


  1. Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion


Employees who have returned to full or part time employment may qualify for an expanded application of Emergency Family and Medical Leave due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike the Family and Medical Leave Act, which provides for unpaid, job protected leave, the Emergency Act provides for paid leave where an employee is unable to work (on site or remotely) due to a need for leave to care for a son or daughter, under 18 years of age, if the school or place of care has been closed, or the child care provider of the son or daughter is unavailable due to a public health emergency related to COVID-19.


To qualify for this benefit, the employee must have been employed for at least 30 calendar days.


The initial 10 days of leave under this Act is unpaid. The employee may elect to use accrued vacation or other paid leave during this 10-day period. After the initial 10 day period the employee shall be entitled to payment in an amount that is not less than 2/3 of an employee’s regular rate of pay (under FLSA Act, 7(e)) and the number of hours the employee would otherwise be normally

scheduled to work. Where an employee’s schedule varies, and the employer is unable to determine, with certainty, the number of hours the employee would have worked if he or she had not taken leave, the employer should calculate the amount based on the average number of hours that the employee was scheduled per day over the prior 6 month period.


The paid leave under the Act is capped at $200.00 per day and $10,000 in the aggregate.


If an employee received sick pay under the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act for having been unable to work due to the need to care for a son or daughter if the school or place of care has been closed due to a public health emergency related to COVID-19, the employee may then be paid under the Emergency Family Medical Leave Expansion Act where the qualifying circumstances continue.

Sick leave is paid first before the Emergency FMLA pay.

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