Hanks HM2 Twin Two Single Crucible e-Gun™

Evaporation Source
Series: Hanks HM2

Thermionics introduces the twin – two single pocket 10 and 15 kW HM2 e-Gun (ebeam). The Hanks HM2 series provides unique modular magnetic design producing a more efficient electron beam.

Evaporation Source
Series: Hanks HM2

Hanks HM2 Twin Two Crucible Multi-Pocket e-Gun

The Hyper-Unimelt 200 Hz sweep eliminates tunneling and source material eruptions. Plug-in emitter assemblies and sweep coil assemblies make the sources easier to service. Easy filament alignment, more efficient electron collimation, minimal filament distortion and elimination of electron trials.


  • Elimination of beam curl
  • UHV rated sweep coils included with source (200 Hz)
  • Elimination of pole pieces
  • Easy filament alignment
  • More efficient electron collimation
  • Minimal filament distortion
  • Elimination of electron tails
  • Optimal for co-evaporation
  • Minimal crucible pocket spacing for ideal plume mixture
  • Each source is independently water cooled
  • Designed to eliminate cross talk interference
  • Optional 3-point adjustable guide rail blocks

Additional Information

Power Setting   10 kW, 15 kW
Crucible Volume   10cc, 15cc, 40cc