TLTM Micrometer Adjust Tilts

  • Dual micrometer adjust
  • 1.5” I.D.
  • 2.75” O.D. base flange, clearance holes
  • 2.75” O.D. tilting flange, tapped

Micrometer Adjust Tilts

Tilt stages allow a precise angle alignment to be established (and repeated) between two flanges. When the base flange of a tilt stage is attached to the chamber flange (or traveling stage of a positioning device) and a probe is attached to the tilting flange, probe angle and tip position can be changed.

Tilts can also be used as an inexpensive method to align docking systems and actuate sample transfers. The TLT series was designed for that purpose and is constructed for cantilever (horizontal) loads. TLT tilt stages are available in single and dual axis units

  • Dual micrometer adjust
  • 1.5” I.D.
  • 2.75” O.D. base flange, clearance holes
  • 2.75” O.D. tilting flange, tapped
  • Demountable with independent, formed, stainless steel bellows
  • Stainless steel ball bearing pivots
  • Bakeable to 200°C fully assembled
  • Up to ±7° tilt range (NOTE: When used with an XYZ manipulator, actual angular range available for the tilt stage is limited by manipulator bellows I.D., axial probe O.D., and the flange-to-flange distance of Z range position)
  • Dual angle lock