Zero Profile, Wide-Angle Viewports

7056 glass with Kovar sleeves and stainless steel flanges

Thermionics viewports are mounted in UHV stainless steel flanges in the sizes noted below. Useable to below 1 x 10-11 Torr. Polished window surfaces offer minimum distortion and provide maximum light transmission.

The custom viewports are available for special applications, i.e., special materials and/or optical properties.

Model No. Viewing Dia. Nom. Flange Size Flange O.D. Bolt Circle Dia. Flange Thickness Glass Thickness Ship Wt.
ZPV-075 0.625 1.33 1.33 1.062 0.285 0.062 1.0
ZPV-100 0.625 2.12 2.12 1.625 0.470 0.062 1.0
ZPV-150 1.40 2.75 2.75 2.312 0.625 0.105 1.0
ZPV-200 1.40 3.37 3.37 2.850 0.625 0.105 2.0
ZPV-250 2.69 4.50 4.5 3.628 .0680 0.175 4.0
ZPV-300 2.69 4.62 4.62 4.030 0.750 0.175 5.0
ZPV-400 3.88 6.00 6.00 5.128 0.780 0.200 6.0
ZPV-500 3.88 6.75 6.75 5.969 0.840 0.200 7.0
ZPV-600 5.38 8.00 8.0 7.128 0.880 0.375 9.0
ZPV-800 5.38 8.00 10.0 9.128 0.970 0.375 10.0