Thermionics XY stages provide precise 2-axis positioning.  They can be combined with Z, ZB and ZC series linear translators for complete dual bellows XYZ manipulation.

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XY Stages

Thermionics XY stages provide precise 2-axis positioning.  They can be combined with Z, ZB and ZC series linear translators for complete dual bellows XYZ manipulation.


  • Precision cross-roller bearings
  • X micrometer location interchangeable
  • Aluminum stage construction
  • Stainless steel only material exposed to vacuum
  • All position operation
  • Maximum bakeout temperature: 200°C

OPERATION NOTE: Some models require a horizontal-mounting package, sold separately.


Bellows I.D.

  • 1.39″–6.3″ I.D. bellows available

X & Y Axes

  • ±0.5″ or ±1.0″ X & Y travel, circular pattern
    • Preloaded micrometer to stage coupling, 0.001″ micrometer divisions, small micrometers (on 1.39″ bellows I.D. models)
    • Preloaded micrometer to stage coupling, 0.0001″ micrometer divisions, large drum dial micrometers (on 2.00″ through 4.00″ bellows I.D. models)

Base Flange

  • Standard base flange is clearance, tapped is optional except on large bore XY models where tapped is required.

Traveling Flange

  • Standard traveling flange is tapped, clearance is optional except for large bore XY models.

Ordering Information

Bellows I.D.

Base Flange

Traveling Flange

XY Travel

Model No.

1.39 2.75 2.75 ±0.5 XY-B275C-T275T-1.39-1
2.5 4.5 4.5 ±0.5 XY-B450C-T450T-2.5-1
2.5 4.5 4.5 ±1.0 XY-B450C-T450T-2.5-2
2.5 6.0 6.0 ±0.5 XY-B600C-T600T-2.5-1
2.5 6.0 6.0 ±1.0 XY-B600C-T600T-2.5-2
3.0 6.0 6.0 ±0.5 XY-B600T-T600T-3.0-1
3.0 6.0 6.0 ±1.0 XY-B600T-T600T-3.0-2
4.0 6.0 6.0 ±0.5 XY-B600T-T600T-4.0-1
4.0 6.0 6.0 ±1.0 XY-B600T-T600T-4.0-2
6.3 8.0 8.0 ±1.0 XY-B800T-T800T-6.3-2

Dimensions in inches


XY Micrometers, ±0.5″ Travel

  • Large micrometers with 0.0001″ divisions
  • Set of two

XY Micrometers, ±1.0″ Travel

  • Large micrometers with 0.0001″ divisions

Horizontal Mounting Package

  • Larger base flange, as required
  • Oversized guide rods, as required
  • Modified travel limit
  • Two force spring assemblies, custom force level based on customer payload